
Monday, 2 September 2013

Mona Lisa fans

Regarding my dismay at how small and therefore un-impressionable the Mona Lisa was, I found myself taking a photo of one man instead of the actual painting.

His struggle to reach the goal is almost masked by his beauty

The internet shares my interest; a phrase said by many first discovering a fandom online, I think I've found the Monites, the Monicans, the Mona-Lisians (?). Thus begins my list of people taking photos of people taking photos of the Mona Lisa (not limited to just photos!!) :

A Jewish man possibly


This Monite knows what he wants, and it's a selfie with Mona


A video-taker of Mona Lisa  (a highly prized and v. rare find)

If proven popular, I will continue my search for these photos - there must be others out there