A quick UPDATE RE:
my last blog post: - my jaw is still not well. It clicks more than an audience at a poetry slam. Thank u for all ur advice, but I guess I'll just have to wait for time to heal all :(
I received some v positive responses on my
blogpost mega slamming the alt-life. I did not, however, provide any solutions to the mnstrm v alt debate. I was v suggestive that we abandon our attempts at being alternative and just become mainstreamers however this is not the truth I wish to preach. Ultimately our interests should be what we enjoy and not chosen for the cool points they come with. Cool points are great, I collect them avidly, but what we need in our lives is BALANCE. To be a genuine, non-fad following, non-hipster-begging person, we must be both at once. A NON-DUALITY of mainstream and alternative. And, if you're lacking in one, fake it (best advice I've ever given I think).
Because I know how bad the internet loves list-style teachings on how 2 live ur lives (ref: buzzfeed, the 10 commandments), and because my blog is full of truth, I have created a short guide focussing on three areas of interest explaining how to fake ur way into being genuine. So put on your seatbelts because I'm about to drive you down the North Circular of life and there is tons of traffic so abrupt stopping and starting is to be expected, but we will arrive at the Little Chef of understanding and enlightenment v soon I promise.
You dig this old Elvis Presley track. Gr8!! What's not to dig? He had major style and wild music skills. Now, counterbalance this with
the new Katy Perry album. Don't like Katy Perry? Neither do I but my friend, we all have to make sacrifices. No one will take you seriously as a person if you claim to have a refined music palette - this is a telling sign of someone that spends all their time researching KEWL music on the internet and downloading Wes Anderson soundtracks. Additionally, if you ever speak of that rad Elvis track you must mention that your parents or their parents showed it to you - I do not want to see any bragging about discovering some gem of an mp3 on your own accord even if it's
However don't think your hours/years of trawling through alt playlists have gone to waste. I heard Pacific Air's (formerly known as KO KO) Float On three years ago on some - at the time - obscuro
Birp! playlist. Today I heard it on Come Dine With Me. LIKE FINE WINE, FINE MUSIC WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME VALUABLE TO THE MASSES. Just keep your indie love on the dl until they hit it big. No. 1 rule: NEVER say "I've been a fan before they went mainstream." If you say that I will drop u (from the b ball team).
Now hippy hop is a v. complicated subject when faking genuineness. If you're a blessed poc then you do not need to fake any love for the music of our collective ancestry (this also applies to any 'cultural' music e.g. the sitar stylings of the l8 and gr8 ravi shankar bless his soul). If you're white (i.e. if it takes you longer than a season of Lost to name every 1/8th and 1/24th of your heritage), then the only black rappers you're allowed to "feel" is childish gambino 'because the internet', and tyler the creator because you are his target audience and his marketing game is strong. Look, I'm real sorry about this one. You may really like Nas and mos def, but you run the risk of being accused of 'not getting it'. You can listen, just don't hype too much because both the real world and the internet are full of peeps ready to throw white guilt at u.

Once again, take counterbalancing as a rule of thumb. For every new wave French film you watch, you must watch one blockbuster from this year. I don't care if you don't like superhero movies, your personal interests are beyond the point especially if they border on hipster. The aim here is to fake your identity into a well-rounded and genuine one. For instance, you watch Un Femme est un Femme (a well known Godard film, you get extra points for not picking an obscure one). You must balance this with an Avenger film. Conversation may go as such:
"The light-hearted view of relationships may be conflated with Parisians when it is actually the essence of the French new wave film genre - not the people. But yo, that bit in Iron Man 2 where he did the thing with the light up hands, shit that was #INSANE." (I have not seen any Avengers films lmao but COULD YOU TELL?)
Do your peers still think you're not being real? Do they see through your attempts at faking genuineness?? Here is the fall-back plan: WILDLY SLANDER A WES ANDERSON FILM. you may lose the respect of your hipster friends that you go to poetry readings with, but you'll gain the type of friends that would have your back in a knife fight and I think they're more important anyway.
If you're sharing my posts on google+, chances are you're a middle class white man who is over 23 but less than 32 (you are in a v. pivotal time of your life and I hope all goes well). If you're tweeting me, you've moved on from your 12+ oyster, 16+ oyster, and are now on the coveted 18+ oyster! And if you're reblogging me on tumblr then I know nothing of your life (I am both intrigued but cautious of internet strangers). Depending on our lifestyles, we all have different internet habits and may view different internet stuffs. Like the selection at Claire's Accessories, there really is something for everyone on the web. I'm not going to tell you how to navigate such a complicated network of porn and forums and porn forums - my only guidance here is to stick to the established internet culture of blogs, sites, social networks and memes (this is the only time I will ever advocate them), filter out the lame ones and DO NOT create new ones. We tend see a genuine thing, appreciate the genuine thing, then think how could we make this genuine thing more hip and current yet effortless. This is how seapunk happened and I am still recovering from it.
THIS is a genuwine appreciation for the sea and
THIS is genuwine punk. Somehow these copulated up seapunk. The Guardian called it a "music internet joke subculture" but 2012 saw it become
v. real and no longer a joke but a v unfunny and
effortful fashion. Some peeps got mad
but tbh if you're getting mad about this then you've been on the internet 4 too long. It's been 11 minutes since I found out about seapunk and I'm already over it. I could link some articles that will skool u on the seapunk controversies but it is wildly unimportant 2 our lives. What you should take away from this is if you see a new fad on the internet, my advice is: don't. imo you should get off the internet all together and go to Gok Wan for trend advice if you really don't want to
look like you're joking.
I can't remember which bits of this are actual TRUTH and which bits are carefully constructed self-aware satire, but I would say don't take this guide as gospel - just remember it b4 u talk a big game about all the truffaut films u watch. People are always ready to call you out on your ingenuineness (ppl are cruel) so be proud of your quirks and interests, but don't get too hype and let them define you. I went to the midnight mass with my v. religious mum on xmas and the priest preached "moderation in moderation" i.e. BE CHILL - priestman killah may be right if he was talking about hipsterdom. Idk who am I to tell you how to live your life?? I've defined cool for you, and now I've given you some sweet tips on how to maintain this cool. So, in this on-going struggle between altlife and mainstream life, my definitive words of advice are: seek balance, and the cool will find u.